National Learning Community Program Directory

National Learning Community Collaborative Launches Learning Community Program Directory

To update an existing entry or to add your institution to this directory, please visit the National Learning Community Directory Submission Form

The directory is hosted by the Washington Center for Improving Undergraduate Education.  Please direct questions, suggestions, or other comments to

The National Learning Communities Collaborative -- a cohort of practitioners, researchers, and organizations -- has developed a national resource directory for living-learning community, residential college, coordinated studies, and linked-course learning community programs. The directory is searchable by state, region, and institution type. We encourage learning community faculty and practitioners to use this directory to build community, share resources, and learn from one another. 

Our Learning Community Taxonomy

  • Linked Courses: Student cohorts enrolled in two or more courses that intentionally integrate curriculum through integrative assignments and assessments. Not residentially based.
  • Coordinated Studies: Thematically linked courses team-taught by two or more faculty that constitute a student's full academic load.
  • Living-Learning Community: Student cohorts that live together in residence and participate in shared academic or co-curricular experiences.
  • Residential College: Collegiate residential environment in which live-in faculty play an integral role in the programmatic experience and leadership of the community.
  • Other: No typology can capture the structure of every learning community program. If the design of your learning community program is not described use the text box below to briefly describe the program.

[Open directory in new window]