xJoin the Editorial Board

LCRP is currently seeking applications for members of the editorial review board. This is a great way to contribute to growing the field of learning communities. Editorial review board members serve a three-year term and can anticipate being asked to review two or three manuscripts each year. Members of the editorial review board should have a minimum of five years of experience working with student learning communities and/or living-learning communities in higher education. We welcome applications from individuals with expertise in all areas of learning community research and practice, including administration, student affairs, classroom practice, faculty/professional development, and assessment, particularly as these areas relate to starting and strengthening learning community programs. 

Members of the editorial review board members agree to return their reviews within approximately four weeks of receiving an article, using the journal’s criteria for strong manuscripts. If you are interested in applying, please submit a current resume and a short letter of interest. In your letter, indicate your reasons for wanting to serve and your specific interests in relation to learning communities. Also note whether you have a preference for reviewing particular types of articles that we publish: Research, Practices from the Field, and/or Perspectives. If you have expertise in quantitative research design and analysis, we would appreciate your indicating this as well. Please send your materials to lcrpjournal@evergreen.edu.

We at the Washington Center are pleased to host this continuing forum for learning community research and practice. Send inquiries, ideas, and comments to us at lcrpjournal@evergreen.edu. We will get back to you as soon as we can.